Key publications
Fink, J., Palan, S., Theissen, E., 2024. Earnings autocorrelation and the post-earnings-announcement drift. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 59(6), 2799-2837. Published version | Working paper
Seifert, M., Spitzer, F., Haeckl, S., Gaudeul, A., Kirchler, E., Palan, S., Gangl, K., 2024. Can information provision and preference elicitation promote ESG investments? Evidence from a large, incentivized online experiment in Austria. Journal of Banking & Finance 161, 107114. Published version | AI-generated audio deep dive
Huber, J., Inoua, S., Kerschbamer, R., König-Kersting, C., Palan, S., Smith, V. L., 2022. Nobel and novice: Author prominence affects peer review., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(41), e2205779119. Published version | AI-generated audio deep dive | Working paper | Dataset
All publications
Füllbrunn, S., Palan, S., 2025. Experimental Finance. In: Encyclopedia of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN 9781802207729. Published version
Fink, J., Palan, S., Theissen, E., 2024. Earnings autocorrelation and the post-earnings-announcement drift. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 59(6), 2799-2837. Published version | Working paper | Dataset
Fink, J., Palan, S., Theissen, E., 2024. Trading frictions and the post-earnings-announcement drift. Journal of Economics and Business 132, 106216. Published paper | AI-generated audio deep dive | Working paper | Dataset
Fišar, M., Greiner, B., Huber, C., Katok, E., Ozkes, A., Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration, 2024. Reproducibility in Management Science. Management Science 70(3), 1343-1356. Published version | AI-generated audio deep dive | Working paper
Menkveld, A. J., Dreber, A., Holzmeister, F., Huber, J., Johannesson, M., Kirchler, M., Neusüss, S., Razen, M., Weitzel, U., et al., 2024. Non-standard errors, Journal of Finance 79(3), 2339-2390. Published version | Working paper
Mitterbacher, K., Fleiß, J., Palan, S., 2024. Reciprocity in migration policy and labor market integration: A lab experiment. Economic Analysis and Policy 81, 1-16. Published version | AI-generated audio deep dive | Working paper | Dataset
Mitterbacher, K., Palan, S., Fleiß, J., 2024. Intergroup cooperation in the lab: asymmetric power relations and redistributive policies. Empirica 51, 877-912. Published paper | AI-generated audio deep dive | Working paper | Dataset
Schmidt, D., Stöckl, T., Palan, S., 2024. Voting for insider trading regulation. An experimental study of informed and uninformed traders’ preferences. Journal of Banking & Finance 169, 107295. Published paper | Dataset
Seifert, M., Spitzer, F., Haeckl, S., Gaudeul, A., Kirchler, E., Palan, S., Gangl, K., 2024. Can information provision and preference elicitation promote ESG investments? Evidence from a large, incentivized online experiment in Austria. Journal of Banking & Finance 161, 107114. Published version | AI-generated audio deep dive
Merl, R., Palan, S., Schmidt, D., Stöckl, T., 2023. Insider trading regulation and trader migration. Journal of Financial Markets 66, 100839. Published version | Dataset
Merl, R., Stöckl, T., Palan, S., 2023. Insider trading regulation and shorting constraints. Evaluating the joint effects of two market interventions, Journal of Banking & Finance 154, 106490. Published version | AI-generated audio deep dive | Working paper | Dataset
Rose, J., Kirchler, M., Palan, S., 2023. Status and reputation nudging. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 105, 102031. Published version | AI-generated audio deep dive | Working paper | Dataset
Holzmeister, F., Huber, C., Palan, S., 2022. A Critical Perspective on the Conceptualization of Risk in Behavioral and Experimental Finance, in: Füllbrunn, S., Haruvy, E., eds.: Handbook of Experimental Finance, Edward Elgar, 408-413. Published version | Working paper
Huber, J., Inoua, S., Kerschbamer, R., König-Kersting, C., Palan, S., Smith, V. L., 2022. Nobel and novice: Author prominence affects peer review, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(41), e2205779119. Published version | AI-generated audio deep dive | Working paper | Dataset
Giamattei, M., Huber, J., Lambsdorff, J. G., Nicklisch, A., Palan, S., 2020. Who inflates the bubble? Forecasters and traders in experimental asset markets, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 110, 103718. Published version | Dataset
Palan, S., Huber, J., Senninger, L., 2020. Aggregation mechanisms for crowd predictions, Experimental Economics 23, 788–814. Published version | AI-generated audio deep dive | Working paper | Dataset
Huber, J., Palan, S., Zeisberger, S., 2019. Does Investor Risk Perception Drive Asset Prices in Markets? Experimental Evidence., Journal of Banking & Finance 108, 105635. Published version | Working paper | Dataset
Schitter, C., Fleiß, J., Palan, S., 2019. To claim or not to claim: Anonymity, symmetric externalities and honesty, Journal of Economic Psychology 71, 13–36. Published version | Working paper | Dataset
Kirchler, M., Palan, S., 2018. Immaterial and monetary gifts in economic transactions. Evidence from the field, Experimental Economics 21(1), 205–230. Published version | AI-generated audio deep dive
Palan, S., Schitter, C., 2018.—A subject pool for online experiments, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 17, 22–27. Published version
Stöckl, T., Palan, S., 2018. Catch me if you can. Can human observers identify insiders in asset markets?, Journal of Economic Psychology 67, 1–17. Published version | Working paper | Dataset
Palan, S., Stöckl, T., 2017. When chasing the offender hurts the victim. The case of insider legislation, Journal of Financial Markets 35, 104–129. Published version
Fleiß, J., Palan, S., 2015. Collaborative decision systems in economics and in complex societal and environmental applications, Central European Journal of Operations Research 23(2), 279–282. Published version
Füllbrunn, S., Kreiner, S., Palan, S., 2015. The Value of a Fallback Option, Central European Journal of Operations Research 23(2), 375–388. Pulished version
Hinterleitner, G., Leopold-Wildburger, U., Mestel, R., Palan, S., 2015. A Good Beginning Makes a Good Market. The Effect of Different Market Opening Structures on Market Quality, Scientific World Journal, 307808. Published version
Hornung, P., Leopold-Wildburger, U., Mestel, R., Palan, S., 2015. Insiders' Behavior under Different Market Structures. Experimental Evidence on Trading Patterns, Manipulation and Profitability, Central European Journal of Operations Research 23(2), 357–373. Published version
Königsgruber, R., Palan, S., 2015. Earnings management and participation in accounting standard-setting, Central European Journal of Operations Research 23, 31–52. Published version
Palan, S., 2015. GIMS - Software for Asset Market Experiments, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 5, 1–14. Published version | Software
Cheung, S. L., Hedegaard, M., Palan, S., 2014. To See is to Believe. Common Expectations in Experimental Asset Markets, European Economic Review 66, 84–96. Published version | Working paper
Brauneis, A., Mestel, R., Palan, S., 2013. Inducing low-carbon investment in the electric power industry through a price floor for emissions trading, Energy Policy 53, 190–204. Published version | Working paper
Fleiß, J., Palan, S., 2013. Of Coordinators and Dictators. A Public Goods Experiment, Games 4(4), 584–607. Published version
Palan, S., 2013. A Review of Bubbles and Crashes in Experimental Asset Markets, Journal of Economic Surveys 27(3), 570–588. Published version
Palan, S., 2013. A Review of Research into Smith, Suchanek and Williams Markets, Working Paper Series of the Faculty of Social and Economics Sciences, Karl-Franzens-University Graz 2013-04. Working paper | Dataset
Brauneis, A., Mestel, R., Palan, S., 2012. Does a cap on the carbon price have to be a cap on green investments?, Empirica 39(2), 217–231. Published version | Working paper
Cheung, S. L., Palan, S., 2012. Two Heads are Less Bubbly than One. Team Decision-Making in an Experimental Asset Market, Experimental Economics 15(3), 373–397. Published version | Working paper | Dataset
Gauper, A., Mestel, R., Palan, S., 2012. Vergleichende Analyse von Fondsdirektinvestments mit Fondsgebundenen Lebensversicherungen, Österreichisches Bankarchiv 60(4), 218–228. Published version | Working paper
Hinterleitner, G., Hornung, P., Leopold-Wildburger, U., Mestel, R., Palan, S., 2012. The effect of different market opening structures on market quality – experimental evidence, in: Klatte, D., Lüthi, H.-J., Schmedders, K., eds.: Operations Research Proceedings 2011, Springer, Heidelberg. Working paper
Hornung, P., Hinterleitner, G., Leopold-Wildburger, U., Mestel, R., Palan, S., 2012. Insider trading under different experimental market structures, in: Klatte, D., Lüthi, H.-J., Schmedders, K., eds.: Operations Research Proceedings 2011, Springer, Heidelberg. Working paper
Königsgruber, R., Palan, S., 2011. Teilnahme an der Rechnungslegungsregulierung: Implikationen für die Compliance?, Zeitschrift für Internationale Rechnungslegung(7/8), 343–345. Published version
Mestel, R., Palan, S., Steiner, P., 2010. Vom Kapitalwert zur Realoption in der Unternehmensbewertung, in: Königsmaier, H., Rabel, K., eds.: Unternehmensbewertung. Theoretische Grundlagen - Praktische Anwendung, Festschrift für Gerwald Mandl zum 70. Geburtstag, Linde, Vienna. Published version | Working paper
Palan, S., 2010. Digital Options and Efficiency in Experimental Asset Markets, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 75(3), 506–522. Published version | Working paper | Dataset
Palan, S., 2010. Kursblasen und Adaptive Erwartungen auf Laboraktien- und -digitaloptionsmärkten, Österreichisches Bankarchiv 58(1), 40–49. Working paper
Palan, S., 2009. Bubbles and crashes in experimental asset markets, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 626, Springer, Heidelberg. Published version